Want to show off your steak cooking? Add crispy pan fried potatoes! 4 steps to the perfect pan-fried potatoes

Crispy pan fried potatoes can make a world of difference to what may be an ordinary steak meal. 

For those of us who love steak and want to know more about perfecting it, how about embracing the pan-fried potato, and getting that cooked to perfection? Cooking the perfect pan fried potato makes for a terrific accompaniment for your steak.

So here are 4 steps to achieve the perfect pan – fried potato:

  1. Don’t pre boil. Prebake the potatoes in the oven instead. It couldn’t be easier! Turn the oven on fan force and let rise to approximately 170 degrees C. Place the potatoes in the oven for about an hour/until cooked (if you pierce a potato with a fork and the fork enters without much resistance, it is ready). The oven is better than parboiling because it is all about keeping your potatoes as dry as possible.
  2. When your potatoes are ready (check for readiness as mentioned in point 1), remove and refrigerate. Your potatoes must be cold because they are easier to cut (compared to hot potatoes).
  3. Cut the potatoes into small pieces. The smaller they are the crispier the pieces will be.
  4. Use plenty of oil with a high smoke point. Oil helps the browning. Without the oil the potatoes will blacken.

There you have it! The perfect pan-fried potatoes to bring out the very best in your steak!


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